Meet Up

Meet Ups for Athletics, Clubs, Student Government Groups, Literary, Art & more

The 50th Reunion is a perfect time to catch up with your team, club, music group or other organization!  Plan to arrive Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015 and stay through Sunday, Aug. 23, 2015. Reunion Meet Up Groups

If you want to get together with your group between Thursday afternoon and Sunday morning, let us know the group, a contact email address and where you want to meet.  We’ll post the information here.

The cost of these meet ups will not be in the Reunion ticket price.  You can meet at the Ritz with an open bar and sell separate tickets or you can meet in the park for a picnic, your choice!  (Note:  we are delighted to give advice!)

Here’s a shout out to some of the groups…

Athletics:  Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Tennis, Swimming, Golf, Wrestling, G.A.A. (Oh my!  This is SOOO pre-=Title IX!)

Organizations:  Honor Society/ Honor Roll; Coterien, Spinsters, Bachelors, Key Club; JayBees; Lettermen’s Club; Tri-Y; Future Faculty Club; Usherettes:  A.F.S.; Press Club;  Language Clubs:  Artizans;  Dance Guild;  F.H.A;  Secretarial Club;  Math Club;  Chess Cjub;  Future Nurses;  Natura;  Pep Committee;  Courtesy Club;  Stage Crew;   Majorettes;  Letterettes;  Flag Twirlers;  Cheerleaders & Songleaders;  Generator;   Ariel Staff;  Leaves In Wind;  Foreign Exchange & A.F.S.;

Arts & Music:   Marching Saints; Pep Band;  Debutantes & Esquires;  A Cappella;  Girls’ Glee;   Stage Crew;  Theater

Organization Meet Ups:
Want a get together with one of these groups?  Email us at  Let us know which group you’d like to see and  names + email addresses if you know of others in the group.  We can schedule them through out the Reunion Weekend.

Lifestyle Meet Ups:   We are all just about the same age and for that alone, share many interests.  Would you like to have some small group discussions during the reunion weekend on lifestyle issues?  Retirement? Travel?  Health & fitness?  Hobbies?  Money management?  Caring for family?  Bereavement?  Dating?  Politics? Other?

Questions?  Want to volunteer to host?   Write to:




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