50th Reunion Planning for Class of 1965

Check here for Reunion News and Updates

The REUNION is tentatively scheduled for

August 20-23, 2015.  

Now we need to plan activities!

Club, Organization Meet-Ups

Mike Wilde has started working on a reunion meet up for  the GENERATOR staff.  Jog your memory.  Review this  list of organizations that you may want to gather with again!  Contact us and let us help organize a meet up for that group.

Reunion Meet Up Groups


Let’s not waste time catching up on 50 years.  Send us your news now so we’ll be ready to  move on at the Reunion!  John Watters  just sent in his update.  Watch the Whassup page for details!


More Reunion Activities

After the last reunion, many of you listed the activities you’d like to have.  We’re working on that list and expanding it.  Lots of ways to share ideas:   1)   Email us.   2.  Post more ideas on the class Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/SAHS1965   3.  Make suggestions through this poll.

WHAT?  You aren’t getting all the emails?!  Write to us IMMEDIATELY and give us your name, maiden name and best email address!  SAHSReunion1965@gmail.com

Ideas for Reunion Activities:

1.  Scheduled meet-ups with SAHS activity groups like Athletics, Journalism; Music , etc. (SEE Meet Ups)
2.  Scheduled meet-ups to discuss special issues like:  Travel, Hobbies, Staying Healthy, Planning for Retirement, etc.
3.  Tours of SAHS campus
4.  Brunch, Lunch, Drinks at favorite hangouts:  El Tobrito?, Balboa Fun Zone?
5.  Scheduled “down time” to make plans with others arriving for reunion.  (SEE Whassup)
6.  Other suggestions?

Marcia Lemon Sanserino has scouted out a great rate at a hotel near the OC Airport and a separate venue with a great price for dinner.  She’s under orders to get maximum value for minimum price.   We know many of you (Putul!?) may be flying in.  We want to see you all!

Visit our Facebook page and let us know what you’re doing!  https://www.facebook.com/SAHS1965/