Carolyn Cronin writes:

Aloha from Kauai!

As I write this note, I am spending 3 weeks on Kauai with my husband of 3 weeks, David Saulibio, who was born and raised on Kauai.  We met on Maui 42 years ago and went separate ways, and reunited one year ago via LinkedIn.
I retired 5 years ago from SAUSD as a school nurse of 12 years, and have enjoyed 5 years as a substitute nurse for the preschool program.  I even had the Adult Transition kids who are based at SAHS.  A lot of memories when I would walk through the halls of the original high school we attended.
I have moved to Spokane, Washington and will be helping Dave raise his 3 grandsons.
Ed Robinson, a fellow classmate of ours, and my first husband, have a 35 year old daughter who is going to be teaching third grade this year in Portland, OR.  She graduated in 2013 from Columbia University and just recently moved to Portland.  No grandchildren from her yet, but who knows, perhaps next year.
Life has been great and it just keeps getting better.  Dave and I will not be attending the reunion, as we had already rented a lake front home on Diamond Lake in the Spokane area during the time of the reunion.  But I will be thinking of you all and wishing you a wonderful visit.  I could say a lot more, but it would be boring anyway.
Love to you all,
Carolyn Cronin
(P.S.  This time I am keeping my maiden name.)

One thought on “Carolyn Cronin writes:”

  1. This is Georgia Graves from Santa Ana Broadway Church and LLU School of Nursing 1970. Congrats on your marriage and living in Washington. I have a niece and nephew in the Seattle area. I am living with my 91 year old mom, Ernestine Graves, in her home in Carlsbad, CA to help her out so she can stay in her own familiar surroundings. I worked for 45 years mainly in Maternal-Child health. I hope you are doing well.

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